Lemberg Blog

"Box of life" thinking challenges us to step outside the box.

Written by E.V. Thompson | Aug 8, 2017

It’s a guarantee. On a daily basis, you are going to experience an array of different personalities. Sometimes those personalities -- and the actions that go with them -- aren't going to jive with yours.

We are all guilty of passing judgment and not thinking about why our co-worker, client, or even those who you encounter outside of work, think or act the way that they do. An inspirational message recently given by John Rutkiewicz, a leadership trainer, really puts things into perspective.

When encountering those different personalities or situations that just make your jaw drop, we need to step back and think about why that person is acting the way that they are.

When encountering those different personalities or situations that just make your jaw drop, we need to step back and think about why that person is acting the way that they are. We all have our own distinctive values and past experiences that mold us. John refers to this as the “box of life."

You never know what a person is going through in their personal life or why they were prompted to act the way that they did. We all have to work on limiting the judgment and understand who that other person is. If you don’t have enough time to get to know that person, just remember that we all come from different places and we have our own ways of handling situations. We all need to do our best in thinking outside the box and not allow our judgment to take over.

The "box of life" mentality can really help improve our relationships in the work environments as well as in our personal lives. Although it can be tough, try to take a step back and a deep breath and remind ourselves that we all have our own daily struggles and handle situations differently.

Take the challenge

Challenge yourself to be patient and use the “box of life” mentality to see how that changes your relationships at work and at home. It can be very beneficial when you think outside your "box."

Let us know how you did with the challenge by placing  your comments below.