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Projecting/Blade Signs

The Lemberg Signs and Lighting team creates double-sided signs that project from a building drawing attention from multiple directions.  Known as Projecting, Blade or Flag-Mounted signs, these signs can be found indoors or outdoors and offer a wide variety of creative options. 

Projecting signs are one of the oldest types of signage. They enhance both wayfinding and brand awareness. Because they are mounted to a pole, wall or building, they are usually free from obstruction and are visible from a distance. They are often used in small spaces or on corners. They may swing, turn or be illuminated with LED lights. Learn more about sign types and construction options. 

Project Features

  • Projecting, Blade, Flag-Mounted
  • LED Lighting


Location: Various Locations, WI

Industry: Commercial

Divisions: Signs

Project Type: New Construction